Qendra e Burimeve për Shoqëri Civile në Kosovë
Kosovski Resursni Centar za Civilno Društvo
Kosovo Resource Centre for Civil Society

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The School for Activism was closed today for the first generation



The School for Activism was closed today for the first generation. 22 organizations, over 70 participants, 5 modules, 9 trainers, 15 training days, 5 core topics and over 30 thematic sessions was the balance of this training program.

Through a combined theoretical and practical approach, the school served as a forum for the exchange of ideas and information on important issues to CSOs such as: Internal administration and financial management; Community mobilization techniques; Systems and processes for impact assessment and fundraising; Participatory advocacy; Gender mainstreaming.

Closing the school paves the way for collaboration through the mentoring process that is provided as additional support to participating organizations through the Resource Center.

The next call for the second generation of the School of Activism will open soon.