Qendra e Burimeve për Shoqëri Civile në Kosovë
Kosovski Resursni Centar za Civilno Društvo
Kosovo Resource Centre for Civil Society

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Civil Society as a key partner – consultations in 2023



The EU endeavours to ensure that civil society can provide meaningful inputs, to share views and concerns, and to participate in EU policy making in an independent, substantial and transparent manner in all areas relevant for the EU-Kosovo relations. As civil society remains a key partner to develop and deliver on the EU policies, as well as to monitor and review progress, throughout the year, the EU Office organises a variety of consultation meetings. In this way, you can contribute to our work here in Kosovo. We count on your support.

If you are a civil society representative wishing to contribute to the work of the EU Office, we invite you to check the 2023 indicative calendar for consultations below. Your contribution will be of the utmost importance, whether in the context of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) Sub-Committee Meeting, IPA Programmes, Economic Reform Programme (ERP), or Kosovo Annual Report.

Please contact the EU funded project Civil Society Resource Centre to express interest to join any of the meetings you find relevant: rc-kosovo@kcsfoundation.org Please, note that the dates are indicative and may be subject to changes. The exact timing, location and agenda will be communicated at a later stage to interested parties. Thank you for your support.


Sub-committee Date: CSO consultations (tentative)
Innovation, Information Society and Social Policy 25-Jan
Transport, Energy, Environment and Regional Development 28-Feb
Internal Market and Competition 14-Mar
Agriculture and Fisheries 25-Apr
Trade, Industry, Customs and Taxation 23-May
Special Group PAR 30-May
Justice, Freedoms and Security 06-Jun
Economic and Financial Issues and Statistics September
Consultation on IPA programming for 2024-2025 March – May
Annual Report  
Call for contributions & thematic consultations March – April