Qendra e Burimeve për Shoqëri Civile në Kosovë
Kosovski Resursni Centar za Civilno Društvo
Kosovo Resource Centre for Civil Society

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The School for Activism holds Module 3: “Systems and processes for impact assessment and fundraising”



The Civil Society Resource Center in Kosovo has held the third Module of the School of Activism at KCSF. For three days about 20 representatives of non-governmental organizations from all over Kosovo had the opportunity to receive information and guidance on the topic “Systems and processes for impact assessment and fundraising.”

Participants were informed about the potentials and challenges of monitoring as well as the impact assessment and fundraising.

They also discussed the forms of identifying different contexts and purposes of M&E; learning a systematic process to develop M&E systems at the project and program level and their linkages with organization’s objective and mission; identifying the variety of fundraising options; strategies for identifying potential stakeholders for fundraising; how to use the data from monitoring and evaluation for fundraising purposes.