Qendra e Burimeve për Shoqëri Civile në Kosovë
Kosovski Resursni Centar za Civilno Društvo
Kosovo Resource Centre for Civil Society

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Volunteering Day: Young people volunteering within EURC projects



Dozens of volunteers, young men and women, have joined various causes on a voluntary basis, within the seven projects of the Civil Society Resource Center in Kosovo, which were implemented this year across Kosovo.

Throughout this period, volunteers have contributed to the protection of the environment by being directly involved in the cleaning and recycling process of waste in the area of Has of Gjakova.

Also another group of volunteers are involved in the creation of gardens with medicinal and aromatic plants in 7 public schools of Pristina.

A valuable voluntary work was also done by a group of support teachers who offered supplementary lessons to five students from Prizren.

Through volunteering projects, a group of volunteers worked to increase information and awareness about breast cancer by referring 45 women from the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities for mammography examination. Dozens of volunteers have also organized in Prizren and Pristina the biggest marathon in Europe against breast cancer “Race for the Cure”.

On the other hand, dozens of young men and women worked voluntarily to promote better mental health among the students of the Faculty of Law in UP during the period of exams in studies, with the aim of reducing anxiety and stress. Meanwhile, a group of volunteers in North Mitrovica have assisted the elderly in the realization of various services and payments for daily needs.

Today, as the International Day of Volunteering is marked, the Center is preparing to start soon with 9 new projects that will promote volunteering in the country throughout the coming year.

These projects were developed with the financial support of the European Union in Kosovo and co-financing from Sweden and are supported through the Resource Center for Civil Society in Kosovo implemented by the Kosovo Foundation for Civil Society (KCSF) and Community Building Mitrovica (CBM).