Thirrje për propozime nga Ambasada e Japonisë në Kosovë
Ambasada e Japonisë në Kosovë ka publikuar thirrje për propozime për grante për vitet 2022/23. Thirrjen origjinale të ambasadës dhe detajet i gjeni në vijim
Call for proposals
Embassy of Japan in Kosovo invites you to apply for The Grant Assistance for Grass Roots and Human Security Projects (GGP) for the year 2022/23
The Grant Assistance for Grass-Roots Human Security Projects (GGP) was first introduced by the
Government of Japan in 1989 in order to meet various socio-economic needs in developing countries. The
GGP provides non-refundable financial assistance to NGOs, hospitals, primary schools, and other nonprofit
association to help implement their development projects. The availability of GGP funding in each eligible
country provides Japanese ODA with a new means of cooperation that has a direct impact on the well-being
of grass-roots communities.
Any type of nonprofit organization is eligible to be a GGP recipient. The only requirement is that it has to
be a nonprofit organization implementing development projects at the grass-root level (central government,
international organizations, individuals and profit-oriented organizations are not eligible).
Who are the potential recipients?
- International or local NGOs
- Community-based organizations (CBOs)
- Local authorities
- Health Institutions
- Primary Schools and Vocational (VET) Schools
- (Other non-profit associations)
Amount: The maximum grant amount per project is 10 million Japanese Yen in general,
approximately equivalent to Euros 70,000-80,000 including audit fee. (Audit fee for the recipient is
covered by the project)
Main Target areas:
- Primary Education
- Primary Health Care
- Public Welfare
- Environment
➢ Project targets at cross-cutting issues such as gender equality, youth, social inclusion is highly
encouraged to apply.
(Please note: following items are NOT to be financed: VAT (can be exempted), Consumable Goods,
Ordinary Cars, Computers, Operational and Maintenance costs, Administrative costs etc.)
Deadline: April 22nd 2022
Please submit your application by email on:
For more information, go to:
Tel: +383 (38) 600 433 / 600 995